Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 in total

Why On Earth Would You Support Trump?
Despite everything we know about Donald Trump, he still has solid support from a large part of the population. Why?

So When Exactly was America Great?
Maga Trump Cult Members like to shout about making America great again. But at which point in history was it actually great? Many say the 1950s, but was that really th...

On Burning Books
With Republicans banning books on topics they don't like, when will the public book-burning events start?Back to 1930s Germany?

Sex and the Conservative Politician
Aha, conservatives - those bastions of traditional family values.Except for when they are not. Let's take a look at a few examples, just for fun!

Taxation Without Representation
One of the many recent lies from the Trump campaign suggests Kamala Harris intends to allow non-citizens to vote in US elections. Like most things from Trump and Vance...

More Weapons for Israel - Enabling Genocide
Helping to ensure the destruction of the Palestinian people, Bidon authorizes $20 Billion worth of destructive weapons to rogue state Israel.

Palestine Revisited
On December 8, a proposal was made by the United Arab Emirates that the United Nations Security Council would demand an immediate cease-fire to stop the current genoci...

Totally Incorrect - Muhammad Ali, War and Patriotism
With the United States pushing to start yet another war, a timely look at what patriotism really means and how resources can be better spent on other things than the b...

Totally Incorrect Episode 3
A quick look at the history of Palestine since the end of the Ottoman Empire and how the Palestinians have been screwed over by the British, French, Americans and Isra...

Totally Incorrect, Episode 2
This episode looks at a couple of religion issues - the latest "Religious Freedom" bill in Texas and the Satanic Temple.

Totally Incorrect! Episode 1
Welcome to Episode1 of Totally Incorrect! Mueller Report and Julian Assange are the topics.

Totally Incorrect! Preview
The NEW Totally Incorrect! podcast is coming soon. Check out this short intro!